Marilyn: The Norma Jeane Years

First posted here on January 25, 2011 This DVD was released in 2010 as Marilyn: The Norma Jeane Years, but it is actually a reissue of a 1991 documentary, The Discovery of Marilyn Monroe. As the titles suggest, this 50-minute film focuses on Marilyn’s early career, including Norma Jeane’s ‘discovery’ by photographer David Conover while she... Continue Reading →

Bruce Conner, Arline Hunter and ‘Marilyn Times Five’

First posted here on November 10, 2010 Bruce Conner was an avant-garde artist, and his work has been celebrated in a new documentary, Bruce Conner: The Art of Montage. The film includes a short clip called ‘Marilyn Times Five’, which purportedly shows a semi-naked Monroe, fondling – wait for it – an apple, and a Coca... Continue Reading →

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